[oec-content content="article"]

{{ data.title }}

{% if data.titulo_en and data.lang != 'en' %}

{{ data.titulo_en }}

{% endif %} {% set author_count = 1 %} {% for k, author in data.authors.data %}{% if author_count > 1 %}, {% endif %}{{ author.first_name ~ " " ~ author.last_name }}{{ author.reference_number }}{% set author_count = author_count + 1 %}{% endfor %}

{% for k, affiliation in data.authors_affiliation.data %}{{ affiliation.reference_number }} {{ affiliation.name }}
{% endfor %}

{% if data.abstract %}


{{ data.abstract }}

{% endif %} {% if data.keywords %}

Palabras Clave: {{ data.keywords }}

{% endif %} {% if data.lang != 'en' and (api.abstract_en or data.keywords_en) %} {% if data.abstract_en %}


{{ data.abstract_en }}

{% endif %} {% if data.keywords_en %}

Keywords: {{ data.keywords_en }}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {{ data.body|raw}} {% if data.bibliography.data is not empty %}


{% for ref in data.bibliography.data %}

{{ ref.order }}. {{ ref.block_1 ? ref.block_1~" " : "" }}{{ ref.block_2 ? "("~ref.block_2~"). " : "" }}{{ ref.block_3 ? (""~ref.block_3~". ")|raw : "" }}{{ ref.block_4 ? ref.block_4~" " : "" }}{{ ref.block_5 ? ref.block_5~" " : "" }}{{ ref.block_6 ? ref.block_6~" " : "" }}{{ ref.block_7 ? ref.block_7~" " : "" }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if data.original_citation %}

Cita Original

{{ data.original_citation|raw }}

{% endif %}

Cita en {{ data.journal.data.abbreviation }}

{% for autor in data.authors.data %}{% if not loop.last and not loop.first %}, {% elseif loop.last and loop.index!=1 %} {% endif %}{{ autor.first_name ~ " " ~ autor.last_name }}{% endfor %}{% if data.year %} ({{ data.year }}).{% endif %} {{ data.title }}. {{ data.journal.data.abreviacion }}.{% if data.journal.data.volume %} {{ data.volumen }}{% if data.journal.data.issue %}({{ data.journal.data.issue }}){% endif %}.{% endif %} {{ data.canonical ? data.canonical : '' }}
